Kitchen Gardening II
Welcome back, Family!!
I cannot believe another week has gone by. Did you incorporate any healthy daily habits throughout the week? I sure hope so.
Well, as promised, I wanted to spend this week and the next couple of weeks talking about kitchen gardening. A lot of the time, we find ourselves doing some of the most outlandish things like eating a ton of junk food or going grocery shopping, and spending an obscene amount of money on things we can grow for ourselves. Not only does this send us into a downward spiral, but the stress for eating poorly, spending too much money, and the fact we have to now incorporate more time spent outside the home doing things for a ‘quick fix’ just bring us down even further.
That’s why I want to share with you how EASY it is to start your own ‘in-home kitchen garden, just starting with a few herbs and then working your way up from there.
What you will need:
· Seeds of your favorite herbs (if you’re bold)
· Small live plants of your favorite herbs
· Glass jars from the dollar store
· Potting mix
· Water in a spray bottle
· Plastic wrap (if starting from seeds)
· A spot in your kitchen with plenty of suns (or porch)
· A willing heart and mind
· Patience
Now, here are some simple recommendations.
1. GROW WHAT YOU KNOW!! Mint, parsley – please, I am going for the gusto. That was the mindset I originally had, but let me tell you. It is always better to grow what you know and will use most often, that way you are getting more out of it. Let’s think about it, how many recipes require marjoram or savory.
2. READ, READ, READ!! We are not master gardeners here. Do your research on what it takes to grow the herbs you have chosen. Learn how to properly trim them. Learn how much water it is going to take. How much sunlight does it need? These are all things I encourage you to read and learn more about. I promise you, doing things RIGHT will have a much greater reward.
3. BE PATIENT!! Nothing happens overnight, especially if you are growing from seed.
Starting is simple, if growing from seed, fill up your mason jar or planter with soil and then poke a couple of finger-size holes in the soil (not too deep – ¼ inch deep will suffice). You will then drop a few seeds into the holes and lightly cover them with soil. Next, lightly spray water on the seeds and soil and cover with plastic wrap (to hold in the moisture and warmth). Then place your jar in a sunny area. It can take several days before your seeds start to germinate. If you are just starting, and lack a little patience, then perhaps start with small seedlings that you can buy at a local grocery or plant nursery (or even Facebook Marketplace).
Send us a few pictures to show us what you’ve grown. We’d love to hear from you!