Kitchen Gardening
I struggled a bit this week on what to share with you, then it finally hit me . . . what are some good healthy habits to motivate you to “keep going”? Most would expect me to say, “work out daily, stay hydrated with plenty of water, or even just watch what you eat”. And that’s true, those things are necessary daily habits to have if you are looking to transform your life, but what about time for yourself?
We touched on the importance of caring for yourself, at times, that will include a habit of having one daily activity that you can do alone or even with someone who will not deter you from your goals.
Now you’re probably wondering, what I use as my daily healthy habit . . . okay, you’ve twisted my arm, it’s gardening.
Contrary to what most people think, while gardening may be hard work, I have found in my experience that gardening is truly therapeutic. I was originally deterred from gardening because I lacked the time, the know-how, the drive, and to be completely honest, I don’t know if I truly loved myself enough to do something for just me. But again, after looking at myself in the mirror and reflecting on how I was feeling emotionally and mentally, it became very clear that I need to CHANGE THE WAY I AM LIVING!!!
I always wanted to try gardening, but I gave myself so much doubt that I didn’t even try. Until one day, a colleague gave me a desk plant. I immediately thought, I'm going to kill it, but weeks went by, I managed to keep it alive. Months went by, and that plant was still alive. I decided to bring it home, and guess what, nearly 4 years later, that plant is still alive. If I can keep this plant alive, what is stopping me from gardening and watching other things grow? There it was, the motivation I needed. But where do I start? I thought to myself, why not keep it simple and try some of what I and others like to call “kitchen gardening”. Believe it or not, you can grow so many herbs in the window of your kitchen.
Start simple. I went to the dollar store and bought several mason jars, stopped by Lowe’s, and picked up some potting mix and various herbal seeds, like thyme, rosemary, and mint.
I couldn’t believe that I was starting down the gardening path. No matter how big or small, all that matters is your START and grow into the process. I did more research and checked on my plants each day. It took days before seeing any progress, but I felt so much joy when I saw the first sprouts breakthrough. And then, it hit me. My spiritual awakening, the realization I needed.
I am like that seed. I need a good foundation (soil), the growth is a slow process (it takes time and patience), but when you have that breakthrough (sprout), nothing stops you from reaching your true potential (blossoming); you need to maintain the process (daily care). We are all seeds just waiting to blossom, but you must START THE PROCESS.
The next few posts will be on kitchen gardening and gathering your revelations as you go through the process.
We encourage you to read the posts, but not only read. Start the process of gardening with us. We will be giving you tips and tricks and discussing how the gardening process is helping us to change.
We hope you join us for pics, tips, and tricks of “kitchen gardening”.
Get ready, get ready, get ready!!!
A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop – a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.
Matthew 13:1-9