What’s Important to You?


Hey, fam!! Welcome back!! I don’t know about you, but writing these posts is the motivation for me to keep going with the same advice that we provide here at Heaven’s Holistic Healing.

I was speaking with my Chief Operating Officer and lovely daughter, Jasmine, just yesterday about why people always complain that they don’t have time. Well, running with the last post, we decided that we should share this topic with our HHH family.

There was a point in my marriage where my husband and daughter would say I never have time for them. I had no idea what they were talking about until I looked at my schedule and saw that between work, school, and church, I barely made any personal time for them. As cliché as this may seem, people will tend to make time for what’s important to them. Why wasn’t I prioritizing my family? In my mind, I thought if I work hard, I can provide, if I get a better education, I can get a better job and become a better provider; if I stay grounded in church then God will bless me and subsequently my family. Well, that’s not what my family saw.

My husband saw a woman who was able to commit to other people or places and not him. My daughter saw a mom who only showed up for emergencies. They didn’t want me there only when I NEEDED to be, but rather they wanted to know that I WANTED to spend time with them. My point in this is to show that if you are truly committed to certain things in life, your actions will show such. It is not enough to SAY it is a priority, but rather, SHOW it is a priority.

How does this tie to holistic health?

I have had several friends, clients, and family members tell me how they want so badly to get in shape and eat healthily or go completely vegan. They start on the right track, but then 1 week into their “transformation” they fall off. They end up at McDonald’s or Taco Bell or the latest and greatest West Indian restaurant because the fix of sweet, good tasting food is far better than staying healthy. Now, don’t look at me with the side-eye of judgment, you know it’s true. That’s usually how it goes.

So now it's time to decide. What is important to you?

Together we can accomplish anything. Hope to see you in the next blog!


Kitchen Gardening


Incorporating Routines Into A Busy Lifestyle